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Pascrell, Local Law Enforcement Urge Passage of a Nationwide Blue Alert System

Momentum building for bipartisan effort to create a national system to help apprehend criminals who seriously injure or kill law enforcement officers

Clifton – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09), Co-chair of the Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus, was joined today by local law enforcement officials from across northern New Jersey at the Police Officer John Samra Memorial in Clifton to urge passage of legislation he introduced to create a nationwide alert system to assist in the apprehension of violent criminals who have injured or killed police officers. Based on the success of the Amber Alerts for missing children, The Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 (H.R.1269) would create a nationwide Blue Alert system to disseminate critical information to law enforcement agencies, the public and the media. U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) introduced a companion bill in their respective chamber.

“The recent fatal shooting of police officers in Wisconsin and California are sobering proof of the need to protect our law enforcement,” stated Congressman Pascrell. “Last year, we mourned the loss of Jersey City Officer Melvin Santiago, who was killed in the line of duty responding to a gang-related robbery.  Officer Santiago’s death set off a series of targeted threats against New Jersey police officers from the assailant’s fellow gang members. When threats like this occur, the rapid dissemination of critical, time-sensitive information is essential; and the National Blue Alert System would provide that.”

The legislation recognizes the tragic murders and sacrifice of NYPD officer Ramos and Liu who were killed just before Christmas last year while on duty, sitting in their squad car in Brooklyn, NY. Officer Ramos was a father of two and had been with the NYPD for two years. Officer Liu had been with the force for seven years and had recently married. No actions of their own had provoked the December attack that took their lives. In such instances, the rapid dissemination of critical, time-sensitive information about suspected criminals who are planning an imminent attack on police officers is essential to keeping our communities safe and may have prevented the assassination of Officers Ramos and Liu.

“The New Jersey State PBA is proud to stand together with Congressman Pascrell to endorse The Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015,” stated Pat Colligan, New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association President. “When a law enforcement officer is shot or attacked, the first chaotic minutes in the aftermath are critical to establishing an identity of the attacker in order to protect the public and the officers who will be sent to apprehend them. Sharing information is another key to the process for keeping our officers and the people they serve safe.  We thank Congressmen Pascrell and Reichert along with Senators Cardin Graham for their sponsorship and we urge the House and Senate to pass these bills as soon as possible.”

“We are proud to support Congressman Pascrell, on the National Blue Alert System,” stated Robert W. Fox , NJ State Fraternal Order of Police President. “As we all know, when someone kills a police officer, he has no value for human life. He is the most dangerous of all criminals. This Blue Alert System will help us apprehend the suspect before he does more damage  by killing civilians. With the Blue Alert getting out vital information to the public, it will help with a quicker apprehension.”

"The State Troopers Associations enthusiastically support Congressman Pascrell's efforts for this critical communications tool that a Nationwide Blue Alert System would provide,” stated Christopher J Burgos, State Troopers Fraternal Association of NJ, Inc. President. “The ability to transmit vital information quickly and accurately to aid in the locating and apprehension of society's most dangerous and violent offenders that willfully do harm to those who keep the peace is a no-brainer. The intent of this legislation is long overdue, and would require minimal fiscal resources to implement, as the infrastructure is already in place with the Emergency Alert System being used for all types of notifications today, including Weather, Amber and Silver Alerts".

“The Port Authority PBA proudly stands with Congressman Pascrell in supporting his efforts to create a National Blue Alert System,” stated Paul Nunziato, Port Authority Police Benevolent Association President. “The recent attacks on law enforcement are a sobering reminder of the danger our men and women in uniform face as they protect our communities, and it’s our duty to ensure their protection. I am grateful for Congressman Pascrell’s unwavering support of law enforcement across our country, and remain committed to helping get this critical legislation passed.

The Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 would assign an existing DOJ officer to act as the national coordinator of the Blue Alert communications network. This Coordinator will, among other things:

•    Provide assistance to State and local governments that are using Blue Alert plans.
•    Establish voluntary guidelines for states and local governments to use in developing such plans.
•    Develop protocols for efforts to apprehend suspects, including the use of public safety communications and command center operations.
•    Work with states to ensure appropriate regional coordination of the network.
•    Establish an advisory group to assist all entities involved in the network with the facilitation, promotion, and implementation of Blue Alert plans.
•    Act as the nationwide point of contact for the development of the network and the regional coordination of Blue Alerts through the network.
•    Determine what procedures and practices are in use for notifying law enforcement and the public of Blue Alerts, and which of the procedures and practices are effective and do not require the expenditure of additional resources to implement.
•    Establish guidelines that provide mechanisms to ensure that Blue Alerts comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.
•    Direct the Coordinator to submit an annual report to Congress on the Coordinator's activities and the effectiveness and status of the Blue Alert plans that are in effect or being developed.


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