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Pascrell Highlights New Report on Skewed Republican Tax Law

U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) issued the following statement in response to new analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation detailing the impacts of the Republican tax law and how the new state and local tax deduction limitation effectively guts the provision for 2018.

“Republicans have tried everything but the kitchen sink to sell their tax law. Mostly, they have relied on a fog of misrepresentations to try to convince Americans that it is anything except a vessel to further enrich the affluent at the expense of the middle class. You don’t have to take my word for it, just scan the data from the experts at the Joint Committee on Taxation.

“Some Republicans bragged that the tax law was aimed at deliberately hurting the Northeast. Here they were being truthful, as the GOP tax law will harm states like New Jersey whose residents have long relied on state and local tax deductions.

“In this new table, the Joint Committee makes clear that the state and local tax deduction enjoyed by millions of Americans to help them pay their bills will be eliminated to give a windfall to a handful of the richest Americans. These numbers don’t lie. The Republican tax law and the so-called SALT deal is a colossal scam. Anyone from New Jersey who voted for this bill slashed a tax benefit from their middle class constituents already overburdened by property taxes.”

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