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Crack Down on Monopolies

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Tags: Economy

To the Editor: Re “Roster of Stars Lets Live Nation Flex Ticket Muscles, Rivals Say” (front page, April 2): The Obama administration was warned repeatedly that allowing the nation’s largest concert promoter to merge with its largest ticket provider would midwife an octopus that would strangle competition and squeeze consumers. Bipartisan coalitions of which I was…

How the GOP scammed us to make the rich even richer

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Since the passage of their monstrous tax overhaul in Congress, Republicans nationally and in New Jersey have gone into overdrive claiming that the Trump tax law will be a boon for middle-class Americans. It is vital to set the record straight. The Trump tax law will devastate our communities by depriving millions of New Jerseyans of the state and local deductions that they have long…

Where we need to go with NAFTA

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As Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, I traveled to Montreal last month to take part in the ongoing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation. I met with Canadian, Mexican, and American business leaders and workers, all of whom expressed anxiety about the direction of talks. The consequences for redrawing NAFTA poorly would be devastating for…

Pascrell on the SALT Deduction: "A financial staple in the lives of many"

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The state and local tax deduction is something which we as New Jerseyans rely on more than other states. And the elimination of this federal tax deduction would cause New Jerseyans great harm - harm that would then put the squeeze on municipal governments across the state. This deduction, the so-called SALT deduction, allows tax filers to write off their state and local property taxes…

Pascrell on Syrian Refugees: These Are Our Pilgrims

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November 20, 2015 -- This week we are reminded that almost four centuries ago, a group of men, women, and children fled their homes and set sail across the ocean in search of a better life. They embarked upon this pilgrimage, seeking a land free of religious persecution. When the pilgrims finally made landfall, a kind and generous people opened their homes and shared their…

Plugging The Gaps On Sandy Aid

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Tags: Economy

With Memorial Day weekend upon us, the start of the summer tourism season is beginning, and Gov. Chris Christie has spent the past week going up and down the Shore to make certain everyone knows it. His tour is to culminate this morning in Seaside Heights, with an appearance on the "Today" show and a symbolic ribbon-cutting that will signal the…

Condemn IRS Abuse, But Keep An Eye On The Larger Issues

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Tags: Economy

IN A RARE episode of bipartisanship in Washington, the unfolding scandal at the Internal Revenue Service for targeting conservative groups is being rightly condemned by both Democrats and Republicans, from President Obama to Mitch McConnell. We all agree that freedom of speech is one of our most sacred American values. Americans must have confidence that…

Don't Weaken Federal Regulators Of Wall Street

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Tags: Economy

AS OUR ECONOMY recovers from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the story of what led to this economic meltdown is well known. Homebuyers were persuaded to sign up for risky loans. Greedy brokers pushed clients into high-priced mortgages to reap higher profits. And when the housing market turned, and the banks that owned these loans were teetering on the brink of…

Now That The Elections Are Over

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Tags: Economy

THE CONFETTI has been dropped. The last ads have aired and the last ballots have been cast. To the relief of many, the 2012 campaign has finally come to a close, and President Obama has been reelected. Now comes the hard part: governing.This was not just a campaign. It was a great national debate about two competing visions for the future of our nation. In…

Health Care Act: For New Jersey, Much Needed, Long Overdue

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Imagine that you are a 50 year old waitress with no children working in a restaurant that does not provide health insurance. You are struggling to make ends meet on $14,000 a year, and you certainly can’t afford to purchase your own health care plan. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold President Obama's health care law, this…

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