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A Decade After Anthrax Attacks, U.S. Biodefenses Need Improvement

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Ten years after envelopes containing anthrax spores were dropped into a mailbox in Princeton, we still have a long way to go to improve our nation’s biodefenses. The anthrax attacks — in which five people died and 17 were sickened — signaled one of the greatest challenges we face in securing our homeland: a…

Problems Plague 3 Free Trade Pacts Before Congress

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FOR THE past 30 years, our trade policies have operated under the assumption that any trade deal is a good one. And in that time, we watched millions of manufacturing jobs leave our shores, especially following the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement and permanent normal trade relations with China. In the past…

Why I Supported The Deficit Compromise

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There are no Congress members on Capitol Hill this month. I have the opportunity to spend significant time working closely with people of the Eighth Congressional District on the many issues they, their families and their communities are facing.  But even when in Washington, it was the working families of Northern New Jersey who were in the front of…

Time To Invest In Our Water Infrastructure

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I’m not sure if the House Republican leadership understands that we are moving in the wrong direction. A disappointing jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor last Friday indicated that despite 54,000 private-sector jobs created last month, the unemployment rate increased a tenth of a percent. This sour economic news is the direct result of the…

Upgrading Water Infrastructure

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There are jobs waiting to be created beneath our feet. We see signs of them with every water main break. They were there when a 51-inch main burst behind a doctor’s office in Clifton last August, disrupting patient care, businesses and local traffic. They were there when a 6-inch plastic pipe cracked in West Orange in…

Tough Decisions For Both Sides In Mideast Talks

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PERHAPS the most significant part of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress last week wasn’t any singular thing that he said, but where he said it. The chamber of the House of Representatives is where the voices of the American people – through their elected…

Four Easy Steps To Lower Prices At The Gas Pump

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Tags: Economy

Americans have walked the moon. Americans have scoured the earth bringing our worst enemies to justice. So why is it when we consider our energy crisis, “Drill baby, drill!” is some Americans’ only solution? How did we get so pessimistic about our own country? The nation is…

Putting A Focus On Brain Injuries

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One of the first commitments I made after becoming a congressman 14 years ago was to make the U.S. Congress, and the public, aware of the dangers of traumatic brain injury (TBI). As part of that commitment and in my role as co-chairman of the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, every year I host a day on Capitol Hill dedicated to brain injury awareness. Planning this year’s…

Don't Cut Funding For Our Police And Firefighters

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President Abraham Lincoln, who led our nation through a time of great crisis, warned us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Ironically, as we face an uncertain fiscal future today, the House Majority seeks to draw the line of division on how we protect the American people. In its first act of fiscal budgeting…

'Week Of Solidarity' Will Help To Unite

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Last week, the 112th Congress began with a reading of the U.S. Constitution. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona read from the First Amendment, the portion that gives every American the right to peaceably assemble. Two days later, violence erupted in Tucson, Az. that left Rep. Giffords and others severely wounded and took the lives of six people,…

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