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Floor Speeches

Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011

| Posted in Floor Speeches

Mr. PASCRELL. We used to argue at one time on this floor whether or not to help communities to support the police department. We argued here on this floor as to whether this was a Federal issue, whether the Federal Government had any responsibility in terms of firefighters--I remember the debates--and police officers, and we…

Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act

| Posted in Floor Speeches

Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Chairman, as a former mayor, I have always believed that our Nation's first responders constitute both our first and our last line of defense for the American people. This continuing resolution before us today fails our first responders. Regrettably, we are treating these public safety…

Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011

| Posted in Floor Speeches

Mr. PASCRELL. To zero out one of the most effective and efficient programs in the Federal Government--and all objective observers have come to that conclusion. And yes, we do have to cut. That's why we're here. But we don't have to cut what is an essential service when we know what the results of this legislation have…

Reducing Non-Security Spending to FY2008 Levels or Less

| Posted in Floor Speeches

Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I come to the floor today as someone willing to work towards reforms that will create jobs, strengthen our middle class, and pay down our debt. I am in favor of comprehensive tax reform with lower rates. I'm in favor of removing regulations that hurt competitiveness. I'm ready to make the hard cuts we need to pay down our deficit. I think we can all agree on…

Health Care Reform Repeal

| Posted in Floor Speeches

MR. PASCRELL.  There is not one Member of Congress in these distinguished Halls that has not been called upon to help a constituent who has been threatened to have their insurance taken away from them. Whether it was heart disease, whether it was cancer, asthma, high blood pressure--I've been through many of them. And isn't it interesting that when the congressional office…

Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 2010

| Posted in Floor Speeches

Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak for the unemployed. I've had more calls in my office in the last 2 weeks from those who have run out of benefits. That's a fact of life. The last speaker who talked about the unemployed and that they are better off without…

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection

| Posted in Floor Speeches

Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, for 8 years, President Bush's administration looked the other way as Wall Street exploited our financial system and ignored mounting risks. This failure to regulate our markets led to Wall Street gambling with America's livelihood and…

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