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Press Releases

Pascrell Reacts to Russian Aggression in Ukraine

Supports U.S. preparation of sanctions against Russia

As tensions continue to escalate in Ukraine, U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) issued the following statement regarding reports that the United States is preparing sanctions against Russia:

"Russia's military aggression in Ukraine threatens peace and security in the region and cannot be allowed to stand. I strongly believe that the people of Ukraine have the right to determine their own future and respect for their nation's sovereignty must be maintained. This is why I stand with the Obama Administration's actions today to prepare and accelerate sanctions on Russia.  Furthermore, I believe President Obama and our allies should take immediate steps to have Russia removed as a member of the G-8. There can be no other alternative to this standoff other than Mr. Putin immediately withdrawing all Russian troops from Crimea."


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