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Pascrell Comments on Aviation Security

Progress Following House Hearing Today

Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-8) issued the following statement regarding today's House Aviation Subcommittee hearing reviewing how well the Department of Transportation, in collaboration with the nation's airlines and airports, have met the 60-day deadline for screening checked baggage.  Pascrell is a member of the Aviation Subcommittee.

"Today's hearing allowed for a review of the important security measures passed overwhelmingly in the wake of September 11th.  Air travel is safer than it was, and the confidence of the traveling public is being restored, but Congress must ensure that the aviation security law is being implemented.

While I am pleased that this important 60-day deadline for screening baggage has been met, loopholes remain within the bag matching regulations and computer profiling systems, and those loopholes need to be addressed.

 We must also guarantee that the new federal baggage screeners be up to the task of homeland defenders, because they will be on the front lines at our airports.  These individuals must be qualified, pass tough of background checks, and be trained to spot any hint of a threat. Congress isn't asking for this level of security.  We are mandating it." 


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