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Press Releases

Pascrell Announces Major Federal Funding for Pompton Lakes Downtown Revitilization Project

Pascrell Secured $650,000 for Streetscape Project

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. announced today $650,000 in federal funding for the Pompton Lakes Streetscape Program, an initiative to beautify and revitalize the Wanaque Avenue Business District involving new sidewalks, curbs, fences, lighting, landscaping, signage, and other visual and physical improvements. This funding is part of the FY05 Omnibus Appropriations bill passed by the House on Nov. 20 and is scheduled to be signed by the President next week.  The Congressman requested this funding and successfully pushed it through the appropriations process; Senator Corzine requested the project on the Senate side.

"Pompton Lakes is a great town with dynamic people.  However, its downtown district is struggling to remain competitive - like so many across our nation," stated Rep. Pascrell, a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.  "This project has been a top priority and I am proud to jump-start this endeavor.  And I am proud to use my time in Washington to focus on ways we can use transportation to build more livable communities."

"I would like to first and foremost express my thanks to Congressman Bill Pascrell who tirelessly fought for the appropriation of funds in the federal budget for this project.  I am proud that Phase One of our program is now able to proceed," stated Mayor John Murrin.  "I would also like to thank the Borough's Council members for supporting the process that will result in tangible improvements as well as all members of the Passaic County community that supported the effort to begin to enhance our downtown streetscape."

Specifically, Pompton Lakes has implemented a five phase project designed to improve its well defined but aging "downtown" area.  The $650,000 will go toward Phase One of the Pompton Lakes Downtown Revitalization Plan in its Central Business District.  This entails circulation improvements, traffic calming, pedestrian safety and streetscaping at the intersection of Wanaque and Lenox Avenues.  The area of development runs past economically-distressed businesses, through intersections, past the public library, past the Municipal Building, the Police Department, and ends at the Lenox Elementary School. 

The estimated timetable for Phase One is 18 months, comprised of 12 months to conclude site investigation, permit issues and bid phase activities.  The project is hoped to serve as a catalyst for the four additional phases that will continue both North and South of the district - stretching to the intersection of Wanaque Avenue with Cannonball Road to the North and the Memorial at the Paterson Hamburg Turnpike to the South.

"Residents will see a more attractive downtown, with improved access to local businesses and public buildings," added Congressman Pascrell.  "The students of Pompton Lakes will have a safer walk to school.  Local seniors will benefit from new benches, an improved intersection, and traffic calming. So-called transportation enhancement projects such as this streetscape have become an important part of our system."

"Americans want more out of their transportation experience than simply getting from point A to point B.  It is not just building interstate highways and fixing bridges," added Congressman Pascrell.  "I am pleased the federal government is going to pay its fair share for Pompton Lakes." 


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