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Pascrell Announces $1.5M Federal Flood Mitigation Grant For Little Falls

LITTLE FALLS— In the wake of April’s emergency flood disaster, U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-08) today announced that Little Falls Township will be awarded a $1.5 million grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to acquire property in one of the most flood prone areas of the Passaic River Basin.

“I am pleased that FEMA has stepped up to the plate for Little Falls,” stated Pascrell.  “Between the ongoing Peckman River project and our fight to stop development on Wilmore Road, we have proven our commitment to mitigating flood damage in Little Falls.  This is just one more important part of a long term vision to bring a higher standard of public safety and better quality of life to the people of Little Falls.” 

The grant comes from FEMA’s Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) grant program.  Designed to assist states and local communities reduce flood damage, the grant will provide the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (OEM) with funding for Little Falls to acquire four properties from voluntary sellers in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) of Little Falls.  The grant will be awarded in the amount of $1,506,600 and will not require any state, county or local matching funds.    

“This is a timely grant that will help defray the cost of future flood incidents in Little Falls.  I firmly believe that the federal government has a responsibility to assist municipalities recover from the tremendous financial burden often caused by emergency events.  I will continue to work with FEMA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and other federal entities to improve our water infrastructure and manage flooding in the Passaic River Basin.”

In addition to helping secure FEMA funding for Little Falls Township, Pascrell has been deeply involved in Little Falls’ flood mitigation efforts.

Following Hurricane Floyd, Rep. Pascrell has secured over $900,000 in funding for the Army Corps of Engineers to create a long term-flood mitigation plan along the Peckman River.  In addition, in 2005 Pascrell partnered with Little Falls residents and Passaic County to negotiate the purchase of land on Wilmore Road along the Peckman River to preclude the construction of a proposed housing development that would have threatened additional flooding.


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