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Press Releases

Pascrell Supports Justice in Policing Act

Landmark legislation offers momentous reforms to American law enforcement

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today reacted positively to the introduction of the Justice in Policing Act which would be the most comprehensive package of police reforms considered by the Congress in generations. Pascrell will support the legislation as a cosponsor.

“While policing largely happens at the local level, leadership for reform comes from the top. The Justice in Policing Act introduced today represents the most significant federal reform of law enforcement in decades,” said Rep. Pascrell, the co-chair of the Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus. “This watershed bill provides needed reforms that can lead to systemic changes and make community policing better. I am proud to cosponsor this legislation and I will support it. Throughout my career I have sought to build bridges between people and their police. Our law enforcement partners care deeply about our nation. I will seek to use my record on public safety to work with our law enforcement partners and bring everyone to the table for change.”

“The demonstrations that have sprouted in hundreds of cities and towns across our country in response to the murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are the vanguard of the change being offered. The House of Representatives is listening to those crying our for help and moving with our nation. The courage of Americans hungering for reform is the very essence of democracy. We must follow them to make our nation a better place.”

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