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Pascrell Supports Select Committee to Investigate the Chinese Communist Party

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09), a career-long critic of the Chinese Communist Party, today announced support of the creation of a new House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

“As the number one patron of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung-un and other ruthless dictators, the Chinese Communist Party represents one of the greatest threats to the future of democracies around the world and our international security,” said Rep. Pascrell. “At the same moment, the Chinese Communist Party remains a threat to American workers and our economy. We should be honest with ourselves that the Chinese Communist Party government climbed America’s back to economic power. Its leaders abuse that power to commit genocide, crush individual freedom, bully our allies, steal intellectual property, and undermine workers. As Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping has recently named himself dictator for life, this challenge will not abate but continue to grow. We must be serious about meeting that challenge.

“I supported creation of this Select Committee because pursuing an evenhanded investigation of the Chinese Communist Party is necessary for the American people. But it is essential this panel pursue the facts and not become a soapbox for unfounded conspiracy theories and cloak itself in the xenophobia and racism that has crept from leaders in the Republican Party. Too often this bigotry has resulted in physical violence and emotional harm against Asian Americans across our country. If it goes down these paths, the select committee will fail all Americans.”

Rep. Pascrell is one of the leading critics in Congress of the Chinese Community Party and for decades has sounded the alarm of the offshoring of American jobs overseas. In 2000, Pascrell loudly opposed and voted against China’s admittance to the World Trade Organization (WTO), a catastrophic mistake that paved China’s rise.

Elements of Pascrell’s National Critical Capabilities Defense Act was included in the COMPETES Act passed by the House of Representatives last year to fix American supply chains and bring U.S. jobs and industry from countries like China back to America.

Pascrell is the sponsor of the bipartisan American PPE Supply Chain Integrity Act to help end America’s over-reliance on personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supplies from China and other foreign nations.

Pascrell has been a leader in funding efforts to crack down on forced labor abuses. Pascrell has also pushed for tougher action to combat the Chinese Communist Party’s use of forced labor and the importation of products made with forced labor.

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