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Pascrell Comments on Trump Federal Criminal Indictment for January 6

Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today commented on the indictment of Donald Trump by a federal grand jury on crimes related to January 6, 2021 insurrection. This is the third criminal indictment this year for the head of the Republican Party.

“Today the leader of the Republican Party Donald Trump will finally face accountability for his crimes on January 6, 2021,” said Congressman Pascrell. “Donald Trump fomented a mob and then incited it to attack the U.S. Capitol. Donald Trump sought to overturn a free and fair election and overthrow our democracy. His actions were calculated and deliberate. Police officers were maimed and died because of Donald Trump. America was wounded forever.

“Today signifies that the American rule of law is strong. I firmly believe that holding Donald Trump accountable for his crimes will preserve our democracy and begin to heal America’s wounds. This will be the third arrest of the former Republican President in just a few months. And yet, Donald Trump remains the overwhelming favorite to be Republicans’ nominee for President next year. Virtually every Republican in Congress stands with him. Despite it all, let justice be done.”

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