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Pascrell Assails Trump Administration Capitulation to China

Today, Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09), the Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade harshly criticized the Trump administration for appearing to surrender to China on trade.

“After months of braggadocio, Donald Trump is signaling his capitulation to China. Based on administration statements, it looks like the White House has received nothing more than a set of vague assurances that China will purchase commodities to reduce our trade deficit – commodities a growing China needs anyway. In return, the administration is retreating from promises to hold China accountable for the continual theft of U.S. intellectual property, with the President publicly siding with a Chinese government tech company over U.S. workers. America is the greatest engine of technological innovation in modern history. But the Trump White House seems content to relegate us to a source of raw materials – a colony for an expanding China. By caving to Beijing’s demands, the Trump administration is giving China the green light to continue stealing our IP, misreading the modern economy, and ceding them the future.

“Our trade policy is resembling one of Trump’s casino deals: tough talk followed by utter failure. Our government’s fecklessness is making America weaker every day.”

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