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Rep. Pascrell on China Trade Deals

Today, U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-09), ranking member of the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, issued the following statement following the China trade deal.

"While on the campaign trail, the President leveled a lot of tough talk at China, including: 'China is responsible for nearly half of our entire trade deficit. They break the rules in every way imaginable. China engages in illegal export subsidies, prohibited currency manipulation, and rampant theft of intellectual property. They also have no real environmental or labor protections, further undercutting American workers.'

"As it turns out, none of the 'initial commitments' or the 100-day plan objectives announced last night addresses any of these problems. American workers should be disappointed that we have more broken promises from President Trump on trade. Far from a 'herculean accomplishment,' most of the commitments are ones that China had already made, but has dragged its feet in delivering. Others are no more than promises on process that provide no assurance of improved market access. President Trump must work with House Democrats on strong currency reform legislation if he truly wants to achieve a fairer trade relationship with China."

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