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Press Releases

Pascrell Reacts to Mexican Labor Announcement on Rights Abuses

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today reacted to the announcement by the U.S. Trade Representative and Cardone Industries regarding claims of labor rights abuses brought against Cardone’s Tridonex autoparts plant.

“Labor rights are being violated in Mexico. The legitimation process for workers to organize independent unions remain flawed. I have long demanded a change to management profit maximizing mentality embraced by the Mexican government, corrupt protection unions, and crooked corporations. Supporting labor rights in Mexico helps prevent corporations from offshoring American jobs,” said Rep. Pascrell, a first member of Congress to publicly highlight Susana Prieto and the workers she represents. “Today’s announcement is a continuation of our fight to ensure workers in Mexico and the U.S. both are able to realize the full potential of their labor rights. Without the steadfast leadership of Ambassador Tai, these workers would not have received any results in this first rapid response labor rights case. We know that more support is needed to help these workers and those across North America, but the Mexican government and corrupt corporations remain obstacles in our path. And certainly all these workers deserve to be fully compensated and have their labor rights respected. I believe the Administration and Congress are committed to overcoming any hurdles put before us in our quest for justice.”

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